CACTÉES... by (Angel & fils)


CACTÉES... Quelques Conseils d'Angel & Fils (cover title).

Paris: n.d. (ca, 1950). An imaginative and charming advertising booklet promoting cactus collecting and cultivation with drawings printed in colors and hand-lettered text printed in brown ink. The text provides directions for replanting, for creating little "Japanese" gardens in tray arrangements, and for handling slips or cuttings and for sowing seeds. Prices are given for various sizes of cactus, for vases and pots, and for Japanese ornaments used in the tray gardens. Oblong 12mo (22.2 x 18.2 cm); 12 pp., including covers, printed and illustrated in colors.

Original self wraps; a well preserved copy of a fragile item. With printed florist's card laid in listing the 8 commandments of the "cacteophile."

ID#: 12725
Print this page View cart Price: £75.00

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