DIEREN PRENTENBOEK (Animal Picture Book) Silhouetten.
Amsterdam: G.W. Breughel, (1945). First and only edition of a typographic and graphic approach to children’s reading skills. with animal silhouettes by Reyer Stolk, a Dutch artist who also worked in Africa. The style and identity of many of the animals created here in silhouette amply reflect Stolk’s African influence. Opposite each full page of animal silhouette groupings is another full page of animal names produced in varying typographic styles and arranged in contours reflecting the grouping opposite. Lithographed largely in black, with occasional outlines or words in blue, gray, or green. Quite an imaginative approach to children’s learning. Through OCLC we have located four copies in Dutch libraries and one copy in France at the BNfr. Ref. 17083 Small 4to (26 x17 cm); 16 pp. lithographed with silhouettes and lettering.
In fine condition. Must note that the staples of the binding have been replaced by fine linen cord, creating a more elegant and stable book.
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