Paris: L’Illustration, 30 Mars, 1929. A striking and well preserved copy of the special LA MAISON issue of the French magazine, L’ILLUSTRATION for 1929 with a colorful cover illustration by M. Rapin. The contents of the magazine are rich in mostly contemporary photographs and drawings of garden cities and residential housing. Henri Sellier writes on “L’Effort Français pour l’Habitation Populaire” reviewing garden cities such as Suresne, Cachan, Drancy and others; Georges Benoit-Lévy writes on “La Cité-Jardin à L’Etranger”; Henri Sauvage writes about “ La Maison De Rapport”, principally in Paris; Louis Bourdelles describes a “Projet D’Une Grande Habitation Moderne Pour La Ville de Paris”; Louis Feine discusses “ Les Materiaux Nouveaux Utilisable Pour La Construction de Nos Habitations”; Léandre Villat writes about contemporary villas around France and beyond. Folio (40.5 x 30.5 cm); I-LXIV pp. ads + 70 unnumbered pp. profusely illustrated from photographs, plans, drawings, some in color + LXV -CXII pp. of commercial supplements.
In original paper covers printed in colors; a bit of thumbing on a double page spread of a chart in the text and slight loss of margin only, text not affected, at that point; else a very fine copy.
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